السبت، 26 مايو 2012

The Kernel Linux 3.4 is available

Linus Torvalds announced the availability for download of the new version of the Linux kernel now happening in 3.4.

3.4 Kernel is output. In the menu, improved performance, better management of cases of errors to avoid the "Kernel Panic" and new analysis tools when it occurs. But it is not everything, since he is add support for graphics cards NVIDIA GeForce 600 Series under architecture Kepler, the latest AMD Radeon HD 7000 Series under architecture Tahiti, but also the last APU as Trinity and the CPU for smartphones, the famous Intel Medfield.

AMD Radeon HD 7970 (12).JPGtest-nvidia-geforce-gtx680-08

More security and bug fixes, this new version 3.4 improves the performance of GTK2, a system of automatic discovery of CPU used to load the appropriate driver, or a new module called "Yama" input to improve the kernel security by limiting access to the ptrace command.

Another novelty for this version 3.4 of the Linux kernel, the management of the pointers in 32-bit mode on a 64-bit environment. This management can reduce the memory consumption, because registers of 32-bit pointers consume much less than 64-bit, so with this new mode of operation hybrid, Programs Manager little memory space can use lighter pointers registers with the possibility to allocate more memory in 64-bit.

We also note the possibility of launching a kernel without module by adding the parameter "nomodule" or the hardware acceleration support for encryption of data in AES on NVIDIA Tegra chips. The famous KernelNewbies site lists all of the changes and they are many, to go even further, the Linus Torvalds Advertisement message itself is readable here.

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