الأربعاء، 16 مايو 2012

Statutes Facebook: when money comes into play!

Highlight his Facebook status can cost up to $ 2...

A few days separate Facebook of his scholarship and, as if it were a final strong message to investors, the social network announces a new lever of monetization: the opportunity to highlight its statutes for an understood amount between $ 0 to $ 2! Not yet deployed to all users of the network, this function could of course interest companies and brands who use Facebook to disseminate their messages and generate the hearing. This "building in front of the post as a major publication" therefore applies to the posted articles, but also photos and links.

Facebook Statut Payer

The first users who have been offering this option sometimes pay up to $ 2 were soon to contact Facebook to learn more, not having the habit of being offered to enter their PayPal accounts or information cards Visa or MasterCard at the time of posting a status. Facebook has so well was forced to communicate on the subject, explaining be testing this function on a panel of users on the network. "We try to without judgment of new features on the site." "This test is intended to measure the interest of the members of Facebook for the promotion of this new way to share with friends" says the spokesperson.

But we guess wrong a lambda user pay to ensure that his kick of the evening hangover or his album of holiday photos are more visible to its list of friends. No, clearly, it is to the media and other brands to address this new paid service. Mark Zuckerberg wants clearly go beyond the simple display of advertisements and mix a notion of money directly to the social function. Not sure that this is well taken by users who see always be displayed on the Facebook home page (before login) the following message: "it's free (and it will always remain").

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