الاثنين، 30 أبريل 2012

For the first time, Nintendo losing money...

Nintendo nippon group recently published annual losses for the first time in its history...

Nintendo 3DS.PNGNintendo yesterday published the results of its 2011-2012 fiscal year ended March 31. In one year, the company still there shortly if successful, capitalizing on the success of the Wii and the DS, has lost EUR 425 million while she mailed still 675 million euros of profit 12 months earlier.

It must be said that on this exercise, turnover fell by 36.2% to € 6.4 billion. Sales of consoles and games are in sharp decline, and this despite the launch of a newcomer, the Nintendo 3DS portable and auto-stéréoscopique (see test). These poor figures can be explained in part by poor sales of this 3DS who forced Nintendo to quickly respond by lowering a few months only after its sale price, of ever.

In total, 13.5 million Nintendo 3DS have been sold on the exercise. In lack of strong games and still too dear (including accessories), the Wii also recorded a large decrease in sales with 9.8 million units over the year. Is that Nintendo, more than ever concurrencé of the casual game market and portable by smartphones and other tablets, moral guard and ambition. The consolier and Publisher plans to return to the green as from 2012-2013 thanks to the democratization of the 3DS and the launch of a new living room console, Wii U and its handle in the form of Tablet. Posted objectives: 7,690 billion euros of turnover and profit EUR 188 million.

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