الأحد، 29 أبريل 2012

Defend against a Zerg Rush Google!

The Zerg from the Starcraft game villains attack the Google page, eliminate them all and made péter scores!

To relax before the long weekend of May 1 and do drop the productivity in all the companies of the world, Google offers a game good fun.

An easter egg (Easter egg) has indeed been concealed on the page of the search engine and will delight fans of Starcraft, among others. Thus typing "zerg rush" in the box you will trigger an attack of "O" red and yellow (those of the Google logo, not those of the Opera browser) Recalling the Zerg of space strategy game from Blizzard vermin.

google-zerg-rush-02     google-zerg-rush-01

The goal is then to shooter in a maximum by clicking the left button of the mouse with the cursor, transformed for the occasion in sight, until they have completely wiped out the results page displayed on the screen. Well défoulant and not so obvious that because a swarm of O rush on the set of the elements present on the site, feel free to scroll down page because the Zerg rushent on any part.


Once the page is inexorably destroyed by these invaders, the final score obtained can be shared with his circles of friends on Google + to compare results and thus a little more spread the phenomenon as a trail of powder.

At your mouse! And remember, a good Zerg is a Zerg death

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